Summer Edition - July 31, 2024
We welcome you to the vibrant Summer 2024 edition of The LatinEd Connection! We hope you're staying cool and applying sunscreen throughout the cross-country heatwaves. As you find a shady spot (even the brightest minds need shade!) we're looking forward to sharing inspiration of our continuously transformative initiatives across our LNESC community. Read more.

Spring 2024 Edition - April 23, 2024
As the days grow longer and the signs of spring begin to show with pastel cherry blossoms and lush greenery - we are excited to delve into the spring 2024 edition of The LatinEd Connection. In this issue, we celebrate the spirit of growth with gratitude due to the hard work of our Directors, students, and community, who work hard to make the dream of college a reality. Read more.

Winter 2024 Edition - February 15, 2024
As the winter winds usher in a season of reflection and renewal, we at LNESC are thrilled to present the Winter 2024 edition of The LatinEd Connection. In this issue, we dive into the heart of our community's accomplishments and look forward to the promising initiatives on the horizon. Read more.

Fall 2023 Edition - November 3, 2023 
As the leaves turn golden and the air turns crisp, many may find solace in the comforting embrace of pumpkin spice lattes or the buzz of classrooms renewed energy of 'back to school' season. It's amidst this symphony of autumnal transformation that we're elated to present the latest edition of our LNESC newsletter! This season is brimming with achievements and the spirit of continuous growth. It is reflexive to our mission of nurturing ambitious minds across our nation. Read more.

As the bright rays of summer shine upon us, we are delighted to bring you the summer edition of our LNESC newsletter! This season carries a special resonance as we are excited to mark our 50-year commitment to empowering disadvantaged students in communities across the U.S. Read more. 

As the winter thaws and the flowers begin to bloom, we are excited to welcome you to the spring edition of our newsletter! This season marks a special milestone for our organization as we celebrate our 50-year anniversary of supporting Hispanic and students with financial needs across the U.S. In this edition, we are thrilled to share inspiring stories of our students and alumni who have made remarkable achievements in their academic and professional careers. We also highlight our recent events, partnerships, and initiatives that are contributing to our continued success. Read more.

Winter 2023 Edition - March 15, 2023
March 7, 2023 marked 50 years of educational and leadership programming at LNESC which seeks to support Hispanic and low-income, first-generation students. It is a very exciting time for LNESC to not only reflect on the past 50 years, but continue to build on our legacy. LNESC’s results are made possible by a network of dedicated sponsors, field staff, top-notch teachers, school partners, and the support of local LULAC councils. More information, along with educational resources in education programming and scholarships, will be found in this issue of our newsletter. Read more.

Summer 2022 Edition - August 23, 2022
Summertime has greeted us this year in full bloom! It is not just a season, but a wonderful time for all to soak in the sunshine, outdoor cookouts by the sea, and sharing smiles with family and friends. We may find ourselves immersed in events such as graduation parties, summertime family vacations, summer camps, while LNESC continues its work at our field centers throughout the nation to strengthen our programs and keep education at the forefront of our inspiration and commitment to our communities. Read more.

Spring 2022 Edition - April 21, 2022
As Pablo Neruda once wrote, "Podrán cortar todas las flores, pero no podrán detener la primavera,” which in English signifies "You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep spring from coming." The hum of spring is a relentless reminder of the beauty and transience of life and of embracing old into new. It can also be a metaphor for milestones embedded for many students in the coming months. Read More. 

Winter 2022 Edition - February 10, 2022

We hope you enjoy this edition of The LatinEd Connection and are not feeling the post-holiday blues. While many parts of the nation are facing the wrath of old man winter, we believe our good news will bring warmth to your hearts in anticipation of an exciting year for LNESC. Read More.

Summer Edition - July 21, 2021
Summer is here! As the nation is slipping back into a familiar pattern of normalcy, there are plenty of reminders of the health crisis we have all endured together. As restrictions are being lifted or eased, and businesses are beginning to increase customer capacity, be sure that the transition to post-pandemic living is to your comfort level and suits your own standards for health and safety. Read more.

Fall Edition - October 26, 2021
Evidence of the fall season surrounds us everywhere. The changing colors in the trees, the weather turning slightly cooler and brisk, and the smell of caldo (soup) cooking at home, if you’re lucky! During this time, we look forward to hot cocoa around bonfires, tailgating and football and picking out Halloween costumes or Dia de los Muertos outfits. For students, however, they may have their futures in mind as they prepare for life after high school. Read more.

Spring Edition - May 27, 2021
As the spring weather is surfacing, and we lumber away from old man winter, we also take note of the changes and re-adjustments during our transition to life after the pandemic. Although we are eager to socialize and visit with family, friends and loved ones, be sure to consider the ongoing CDC guidelines on how you can continue to protect yourself from COVD-19. Your efforts to normalize towards in-person connections should be at the pace that is comfortable for you, with health and safety in mind. Read more.

Winter Edition - January 20, 2021
The new year is underway, and we have 2020 behind us. Most of us can agree that 2020 was an exceptional year, many of us experiencing many of the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other issues that made it a difficult year. While we continue to confront the current health crisis, the Team at LNESC is hopeful for the incoming year, as we remain committed to provide quality, impactful education and leadership programs designed to prepare students for their future. Read more.

Fall Edition - October 21, 2021
Happy Autumn! As the season is changing and the fall weather is settling in, we’re observing familiar cues of autumn, as the leaves are turning an assortment of colors, the days are getting shorter, and cooler temperatures begin to settle in. While districts are making every effort to accommodate students returning to school, there will be a lot of unfamiliarity with approaches to in-person, hybrid and virtual education/distance learning models. There will be frustration, anxiety and some confusion, as students are attempting to adjust to new health and safety policies that may, at first, seem cumbersome, and difficult to follow. Let us be vigilant in observing and enforcing these measures, as the stakes are too high, as the health crisis continues to impact our daily lives. Whether you’re taking virtual classes or attending in-person instruction, follow safety measures and stay healthy! Read more. 

Summer Edition - July 16. 2020
We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy, while remaining vigilant during these challenging times. LNESC staff continue to work on providing educational resources to our students, while exploring creative and innovative approaches to virtual learning and online education opportunities. As we are responding to the pandemic with creative and innovative approaches to virtual education, we must also consider addressing the social issues that are important to our communities. LNESC is committed to offering opportunities to prepare young future leaders through education and leadership development initiatives, such as the Hispanic Leadership Opportunity Program and the Washington Youth Leadership Seminar. These programs allow students a safe and productive space to explore their abilities and potential to empower their communities. Although we are moving these programs to virtual platforms, the need to engage our youth in discussions on matters of race, identity and social activism is more important than ever.Read more.

Spring Edition - April 21, 2020
We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy, while remaining vigilant during these challenging times. LNESC staff continue to work on providing educational resources to our students, while exploring creative and innovative approaches to virtual learning and online education opportunities. Read more.

Inaugural Edition - February 11, 2020
It is my great privilege to announce the inaugural issue of The LatinEd Connection, a quarterly newsletter produced by the LULAC National Educational Service Centers (LNESC). This publication will provide new and exciting information about LNESC programs and services throughout 16 centers in the United States and Puerto Rico. Along with announcements on new education initiatives and scholarship opportunities, the newsletter includes academic and professional resources for students, and helpful tips for parents, as well. Read more.